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Anandam: An LGBTKH Anti-Violence Organization
Amelia Carter

Anandam: An LGBTKH Anti-Violence Organization


We believe deeply in movement building through collectivism, self-determination and self-advocacy but we need your help to continue our work!


Impact of Your Donation: Anandam has big plans for our future. One of our major goals is to acquire an office space where we can conduct our organizing work, hold meetings and have an open “drop in center”.


A permanent LGBTQKH* drop in center for our community is critical. Currently no other LGBTQKH* organization in Kolkata offers a non-judgmental drop-in center for low-income, low caste, and sex working community members. Having a space where members can come to be accepted in their genuine gender and sexual expression is critical for effective organizing and community building. It will also serve as the hub of Anandam’s work around social awareness campaigns, political organizing, leadership trainings and other activities.


Funds raised will not only go towards overhead and paying community members for their organizing work, but will be directly used for future programming. Future programs include but are not limited to: 


  • Hosting more Cafe Mela's for community building

  • Offering free sensitization trainings to organizations who can not afford to hire our services 

  • Hosting film screenings 

  • Organizing LGBTQKH*festivals and community events 

  • Offering urgent care response to community members in need 

  • Funding the West Bengal LGBTQKH* Parliament 

  • Hiring full-time staff members

  • The production of film and photography awareness campaigns


2024 UPDATE: All funding is now going to the LGBTKHQ++ community associated with KAEJ in West Bengal. 

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